Defra have now released the final WEEE collection targets for 2021, based on data that does not include 2020 collection performance which was around 50% lower than 2019.

The impacts of COVID-19 were widespread and significantly impacted 2020 WEEE collections which missed their targets, due in part to closed Household Waste Recycling Centres, meaning compliance schemes were restricted in their ability to collect WEEE recycling evidence.

Since the 2020 collection data has been omitted from the calculations used to formulate the 2021 collection targets, a five-year trend forecast was used instead ranging from 2015-19. Defra have stated that this will mitigate the effect of any outlying data and has resulted in targets only slightly higher than those in 2020, by 6,291 tonnes.

2021 WEEE collection targets

The final 2021 UK household WEEE collection target is 503,629 tonnes, which constitutes a 946 tonne increase from the total household WEEE collections by PCS in 2019. As usual, Defra have stipulated that Compliance Schemes will not have to achieve individual collection targets in categories 2-10, as long as the overall aggregated target has been achieved.

Scheme manager Lucy Drake-Lee commented “We are pleased to see that DEFRA have taken industry feedback into account in the revision of the 2021 WEEE collection targets. That being said, the Quarter 1 collection data for 2021 is significantly lower than 2020 and it is clear that COVID-19 continues to make an impact.”

“Whether or not collection figures start to increase as restrictions continue to be lifted remains to be seen, but it is clear that the targets remain a challenge.”.

WEEE collections service

B2B Compliance operated a WEEE collection service using a simple online request form, if you have any old equipment to recycle please click here for more information.

If you have any questions about the collection targets or WEEE compliance, please do not hesitate to contact our team.