What is this study for?
The UK committed to establishing a world-leading policy agenda for Energy-related Products (ErPs) in the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, stating that by 2021 the UK would ‘Launch a world class energy related products policy framework. We will push for products to use less energy, resources, and materials, saving carbon and helping households and businesses to reduce their energy bills with minimum effort.’
Now the UK is no longer part of the EU’s Ecodesign and Energy Labelling legislative framework, research has been commissioned by Defra and BEIS to form an evidential basis to inform priorities and domestic policy.
The work will pinpoint the types of ErPs and regulatory interventions that could best maximise carbon and energy savings and reduce the demand on primary resources.
Who can take part?
The consultancy undertaking the research, ICF, have asked for participation from a wide range of stakeholders including distributors, manufacturers, trade associations and retailers of ErPs. The wider the range of expert knowledge contributed, the better the policy outcomes will be.
Why should you take part?
The decision-making process for ErPs’ regulation and future design now rests with the UK Government. This study represents an opportunity to shape future objectives at an early stage, and contribute toward the best outcomes possible, particularly with the scoping of products and measures used for future policy interventions.
If you would like to be involved you can register here, or get in touch with us if you have any queries or would like to know more.