The WEEE Scheme Forum, which represents 26 of the 38 producer compliance schemes in the UK and over 90% of the tonnage obligation, has announced that it is preparing a bid to act as the operator of a ‘Producer Takeback Scheme’ or to administer the allocation of collection facilities to schemes, as set out in two of the government’s four options for the future of the B2C WEEE system. Members of the WEEE Scheme Forum include B2B Compliance, Budget Pack, ERP, Recolight and REPIC. The Forum has announced that it had started the process of registering as a separate legal entity from its members, in order to make it available for either of the roles, depending on how the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) opts to change the WEEE system. In order to increase its representation a spokesperson said “We are inviting all of the schemes who are not members of the WSF to join until the end of 2013 without cost so that they can be involved in discussions with existing members.” Changes are being made to the UK’s WEEE regime to bring the UK in line with the Recast WEEE Directive and following concerns from producers of electronic equipment that the cost of compliance with the legislation exceeds the actual operational costs.