The recently released Q3 collection figures show the annual target is still on track to be met, with a progress of 76% towards the target. The latest results cover household WEEE collected from July to…
Previously planned for release in 2021, the consultation for reforming the WEEE producer responsibility system has now been delayed until next year, hopefully in the…
Last week Defra opened the 2021 WEEE compliance fee methodology consultation. It is open until the 18th November and there are two proposals to consider…
The 'right to repair' regulation has been implemented in Great Britain and targets premature obsolescence in goods with the aim to incentivise energy efficient manufacturing.…
The Environment Agency have recently released the data showing the total volume of household WEEE collected between January and March 2021. 119,818 tonnes of household…
Defra have now released the final WEEE collection targets for 2021, based on data that does not include 2020 collection performance which was around 50%…
Consultation on revised Waste Prevention Programme for England launched
19th Mar 2021
On the 18th March Defra published a consultation on the revised Waste Prevention Programme (WPP) in England. Government is asking respondents to feedback on what…
Right to repair rules for EEE manufacturers this summer
12th Mar 2021
Government have confirmed that EEE manufacturers must make spare parts for electrical goods available by ‘this summer’, under the right to repair initiative. The new…